Enriched Learning


Our enriched learning music program is offered to all children at the daycare-from infancy to kindergarten age on a weekly basis. Early musical experiences form the basis for learning in other areas of education, such as literacy and math. Our consulting music instructor, tailors’ programs to be appropriate for each stage of your child’s development. Providing opportunities to introduce the children to real instruments and engaging musical experiences.

(Offered to children of all ages)


The Dance program at Little Tots’ Manor is a favourite among the Senior Preschool and Kindergarten children. Our Dance Instructor, Kate teaches children different styles of dance on a bi-weekly basis, including hip-hop, jazz, Salsa and Bollywood. The program gives children the opportunity to develop control over their bodies and increase flexibility and strength, while expressing themselves creatively. The learning of dance routines and steps helps to build children’s concentration skills, spatial awareness and teamwork. At the end of each season, the children put on a performance for the school and their families to showcase their learned routines.

(Offered to Senior Preschool and Kindergarten classes)

Art History

Weekly Art History experiences introduce children to the work of various artists and encourage them to create pieces reflecting the techniques and materials used in those works of art. Past projects include clay work, paper mache sculptures, and canvasing. Children are introduced to art history and gain an understanding about different art techniques used for creative expression.

(Offered to children of all ages)

Science and Baking

The children enjoy making predictions and investigating cause and effect relationships during our learning enriched Science and Baking Program. The Teachers provide an exploration on a weekly basis and encourages the children to solve “mysteries”, like how to get a ball out of a block of ice. The program is adjusted to meet the needs of each age group, and we try to provoke as much inquiry, discussion and investigation as developmentally possible.

Nutrition is a large part of our commitment to ensuring the well-being of each and every child attending Little Tots’ Manor. We instill from an early age an appreciation for the process of making and enjoying food together, and every class participates in a weekly baking/cooking lesson where they help to measure, pour and stir ingredients. The process also reinforces the attainment of mathematical skills related to measurement and numeracy through real-world examples.

(Offered to children of all ages)


Our Borrow-a-Book program is one that the children look forward to every week. The children choose from a variety of leveled early reading books and select one to take home with them each week. The program encourages children to read at home and practice their early literacy skills with their parents or guardians. Upon returning the book to school, the children engage in a literacy circle and retell their favourite parts of the story, building confidence with early reading skills. The Borrow-a-Book Program instills a “love of reading” and familiarity with print that prepares children for future reading programs.

(Offered to Junior and Senior Preschool and Kindergarten classes)

Claremont Retirement Residence

As a part of our commitment to building meaningful community connections, the Senior Preschool and Kindergarten class visits the local Claremont Retirement Residence on a bi-weekly basis. The children engage in activities such as storytelling, arts and crafts and public speaking with the residents. The program is well loved by all involved, and the children are always excited to visit their friends and share with them their learning and recent experiences.

(Offered to Senior Preschool and Kindergarten classes)

Mini Athletes

Little Tots’ Manor’s unique Mini Athletes program exposes children to sports such as volleyball, floor hockey, basketball and more. Our instructor provides the classes with real sports equipment and helps the children gain familiarity with basic movements necessary for the development of later skills in these activities.

(Offered to Junior and Senior Toddler, Junior and Senior Preschool and Kindergarten classes)


The Junior and Senior Toddler, Junior and Senior Preschool and Kindergarten programs utilize the “Yogarilla” program during their indoor and outdoor gross motor activities. The teacher’s guide the children in relaxing poses, which stretch and strengthen their core muscles, as well as encourage mindful breathing with materials such as a breathing ball. The program is specially designed by Occupational Therapists to introduce young children to the practice of yoga and concepts of deep breathing and mindfulness.

(Offered to children of all ages)